Christian Music
Christian Music

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Music and Lyrics written by Terry Talbot with John Talbot and Jamie Owens. Script written by Terry Talbot.

Produced By:

Al Perkins
Terry Talbot

Tracks on this album[]

# Name
1. New Jerusalem
2. Make Me Worthy
3. See the Vision
4. The Victor
5. Would You Crucify Him
6. Vision: Reprise
7. Sharing
8. Walk and Talk
9. Die for My Jesus
10. Reprise

Guest Artists[]

Artist Name Artist appears courtesy of the label
Barry McGuireThis artist is a soloist Unknown
Anne HerringThis artist is a soloist Unknown
John Micheal TalbotThis artist is a soloist Unknown
Nelly WardThis artist is a soloist Unknown
Keith GreenThis artist is a soloist Sparrow
Matthew WardThis artist is a soloist Unknown